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Free Video Training Reveals:

The 3 Keys to Living Your Purpose &
Making Money Sharing Your Gifts

... Without sacrificing your integrity or feeling like a fraud!

Coming This Week!

Get a taste of what the "secret codes" in your hands have to say about your soul's agenda.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not predictive palmistry or "fortune telling" where I tell you your future like when you'll get married or how many kids you'll have.

Rather, it's a "blueprint" or "personal GPS" made up of the fingerprints and lines in your hands that can show you how to navigate life to:

* more easily achieve your goals
* develop more meaningful connections in relationships
* experience greater satisfaction in your work
* cultivate more abundance, love and joy
* find that thing that you feel is "missing" in your life

Much like the GPS in your phone can help you get from where you are to where you want to go in your car, your personal GPS in your hands can help you get from where you are to where you want to go in your life so you no longer wake up thinking "There's got to be more to life than this."

To experience your personal GPS firsthand and how it can:

* shed light on your blindspots
* help you course-correct when you're off-track with your Purpose
* validate you wanting to take action you've been secretly wanting to take
* give you more reasons to celebrate yourself...

Sign up for Alexi's free video training, "The 3 Keys to Living Your Purpose & Making Money Doing What You Love."

Just send an email with the word "blueprint" in the subject line to Alexi's personal email address: 

[email protected]


Alexi Aldine is Founder and Creator of Dare2BU Academy which provides online training for spiritual teachers, coaches and healers to live their Purpose and create their dream business sharing their intuitive gifts.

With her unique methodology combining her background in Scientific Hand Analysis, Human Design, Theta Healing, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), acting, writing and marketing, Alexi helps her clients go from playing small and hiding their intuitive gifts to being confident AF sharing their "esoteric superpowers" and making the difference they came here to make.

Alexi has analyzed more than 1,550 hands and within 60 seconds of looking at your hands, Alexi can tell you why you’re stuck and how to get you un-stuck in your business.

How is this possible? Because your fingerprints and lines in your hands make up a Blueprint of your soul’s agenda. 

To get a taste of what's in your blueprint, sign up for Alexi's free video training:

"The 3 Keys to Living Your Purpose & Making Money Sharing Your Gifts."

Just send an email to [email protected] and you'll get access once it becomes available later this week!

Copyright © 2023 — Alexi Aldine. All rights reserved.